Ahoy Sailor Miss Hybrid Euro Tour Newsletter

What a lovely trip to Europe I have just had, a bit of a Euro tour if you will. The overnight crossing as always was great fun, I like to cause as much havoc as possible and always get a very friendly welcome from the crew.
I took my trusty GropePro cameras, my decrepit Husband Lord B, and my thoroughly untrustworthy PA, Felix.
I managed to catch lots of naughty photos and video. Here I am checking that the GoPro is positioned just right for the evenings fun and games.
Once we arrived at the Chateaux I chose my outfit to meet up with some of Lord B’s old chums.
I have been seeing to Lord B’s chums for over a decade now, I decided this evening that stockings and heels would be outfit of choice. They are a bit long in the tooth rather than the trouser department but thankfully dial a service came to the rescue, fortunately the old boys enjoy watching just as much as they do participating.
The next day I decided I would have a bit of a wander around the local landmarks, I left Felix in the adjacent suite bound and blindfolded to the bed without the do not disturb sign on his door! I had plied him with kamagra and dressed him in a lovely pair of panties and stockings. …moving on!

I had a few beers and a few more Chablis at lunch time and after putting Lord B to bed I decided to put on a bit of an impromptu show for the assembled old cronies. I showed them my thoughts on modern Chateaux amenities, just in case of the event that I ever opened a Hybrid Hospitality chain. Zero stars for gym and pool, five stars for chains whips and plugs.
This is the Miss Hybrid kind of executive extra, offered as an upgrade. No fake leather writing desk or a pre worn bathrobe. My suites would have a kitty in the cupboard, just for your enjoyment.
All will be revealed in my coming video.

Miss Hybrid
