MissHybrid Phone Tablet App for Android

MissHybrid Phone Tablet App for Android now available for download
My latest addition MissHybrid Android App is now available to download, if you would like a little bit of me every day sent to your android phone or tablet please Click here to download it to an android device. Or type the URL http://misshybrid.com/AppDownload.php The app is 18 friendly, to see the +18 version you will need a free for life upgrade code, the age verification also enables a three day trial to sample some of my site content, please click here for details. I will be adding full instructions on my personal blog and on a separate page soon but just wanted you to see it now. Some tablets do not like it, Nexus 7 seems to have problems with some of the video clips.
Screen Shots From Miss Hybrid’s Free Android App
Please click the link below for details of my $1 three day trial pass and MissHybrid Android App upgrade code.
Please click here to visit my site misshybrid.com for all my photo and video updates
and here to visit my personal blog for all the latest news from the manor